Humic Acid Insights

  • Our Remarkable Microbiome.

    Our bodies provide a home for an estimated 100 trillion microorganisms.  They live around us and on us and inside of us.  Most live in our gut.  We...
  • Humic & Fulvic Acid for Leaky Gut Syndrome

    The gut membrane is the barrier where nutrients in the digestive tract are transported into the bloodstream. It is sophisticated and highly selecti...
  • Detoxification Ability of Humic Acid

    Those of us who were around during the 1970's remember the removal of lead from our gasoline and paint when it was found that this heavy metal coul...
  • The Nutrition Benefits of Humic and Fulvic Acid

    The large molecules of these acids have many electrically charged bonding sites that are able to “grab” onto minerals and transport them easily into the cell. As many as 70 different minerals have been identified being carried by these workhorses.
  • Humic Acid and Anti-Aging

    When talking about aging, we often hear the words "free radical" in the discussion.  Some free radicals are a normal part of metabolism, but others...
  • Boosting Your Immune System with Humic/Fulvic Acid

    There are many ways in which humic and fulvic acids provide support to the immune system. Their anti-viral properties act to prevent viruses from r...
  • Humic and Fulvic Acids Linked to Reduced Chronic Inflammation

    One of the hallmarks of the immune system is the inflammatory response.  This response happens when the immune system recognizes something foreign ...
  • Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid Shown to Improve Brain Health

    Humic and Fulvic acids are natures perfect nutrient carriers. Fulvic acid easily crosses the highly protective blood brain barrier resulting in inc...
  • Humic Acid Aids in Healthy Digestion

    Due to widespread use of antibiotics, chemical fertilizers, and environmental toxins, great harm has been done to the essential “good bacteria” in our systems. Humic and Fulvic acids help stabilize and encourage growth of probiotics.
  • Humic Acid Counters the Effects of Herbicide Glyphosate

    Modern farming practices have resulted in a huge increase of glyphosate in our food. Humic acid is shown to counter the effect of glyphosate, neutralizing it's negative impact on gut health.
  • The Anti-viral Properties of Humic Acid

    The antiviral nature of humic acid means that it can be used as both a treatment and a prevention mechanism to fend off viruses in the human body.
  • The Anti-viral Properties of Humic Acid in Addressing COVID-19

    Humic and fulvic acids have a stronger attraction for viruses than do human cells. What does this mean? They combat viruses that have already entered your body and better yet, act as a preventative measure to keep the virus from ever penetrating the cells in your body.