What are Humic and Fulvic Acids

Humic and fulvic acids are ancient organic molecules created by the decomposition of plant and animal matter during the early days of life on earth. These molecules exist in soils, peats, oceans, fresh water, as well as large deposits deep beneath earth’s surface. Some of the highest quality humic and fulvic acid deposits exist right here in North America.

These organic substances perform an amazing array of essential tasks in the soil and in the body. Most importantly they are natural nutrient transporters and heavy metal detoxifiers.

mound of healthy soil and water

Because these molecules have many charged particles, they attract nutrients from the soil like a magnet, acting as carriers. Scientists have observed the transportation of as many as 70 different nutrients and trace minerals. Humic acid does much of its work in the digestive tract, protecting the integrity of the gut membrane. Fulvic acid carries nutrients into the bloodstream and even across the blood brain barrier. It easily penetrates the cell wall to deliver essential nutrition to every cell.

This increased nutrition alone gives humic and fulvic acid the ability to revitalize the body and stimulate increased immunity. But they actually do much more!

Amazingly, the large number of electrically charged particles they carry also enables them to bind heavy metals. In this way they act as a detoxifier, holding on to these toxins so they can be eliminated from the body.

For years, organic farmers have spread humic acid on their crops to increase yields. But recently, a great deal of attention regarding the benefits of humic acid for humans has sparked some remarkable research that shows great promise for the prevention of chronic diseases.

Why Supplement?

Historically, good soil contained about 2.5% humic substances. Due to modern farming practices, that percentage has dropped dramatically. At the same time, a huge spike has occurred in degenerative brain diseases, neurological disorders, chronic inflammatory problems and imbalances in the gut microbiome.

Fortunately, large deposits containing humic and fulvic acid have been found, and are being mined, right here in North America. At a time when there is a crisis in our healthcare system related to handling the plague of chronic disease, more and more people every day are becoming aware of the benefits of adding these humic and fulvic products to their daily regimen---and are seeing results.