Humic and Fulvic Acids Linked to Reduced Chronic Inflammation

One of the hallmarks of the immune system is the inflammatory response.  This response happens when the immune system recognizes something foreign or potentially harmful has entered the body.  What we call the "acute inflammatory response," calls on specialized immune cells to aggressively go after the invader and neutralizes the threat, removing it from the body.  This response is normal and essential for health, but should always be temporary.

Problems arise when the immune system has to work overtime due to an overwhelming number of free radicals or because a compromised digestive tract is letting germs or toxins into the bloodstream.  This leads to chronic inflammation, meaning the immune system is in constant attack mode trying to rid the body of foreigners.

Chronic inflammation is implicated in the mechanisms of many serious diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, Alzheimer's disease, inflammatory bowel, rheumatoid arthritis and more.

Humic and Fulvic acids continue to be studied for their ability to reduce chronic inflammation. As powerful antioxidants they scavenge free radicals.  They are also known to protect the integrity of the highly important gut membrane as well as support the growth of good bacteria.  

The combination of these benefits make these compounds highly effective against chronic inflammation. They may combat the inflammation that leads to diabetes and heart disease. Great results have been seen in mediation of allergies, asthma, and eczema.