Humic & Fulvic Acid for Leaky Gut Syndrome
The gut membrane is the barrier where nutrients in the digestive tract are transported into the bloodstream. It is sophisticated and highly selective, allowing water and nutrients to be absorbed into the body while keeping toxins, pathogens, digestive wastes and undigested food particles out. Unfortunately, damage to that membrane causes something called Leaky Gut Syndrome. The barrier essentially gets holes in it, allowing harmful substances to enter the bloodstream.
Many in the medical community have not recognized leaky gut syndrome as anything more than a temporarily inflamed gut. Leaky gut syndrome is technically known as increased intestinal permeability, and it has increasingly become a concern as new testing methods shed light on the issue.
The gut membrane is only one cell thick, but it is amazing in its complexity and ability to multitask. Some are now calling it the “second brain” because like the brain, it directs and controls numerous functions and maintains balance.
The cells that line the digestive tract are called epithelial cells. They’re held together by tight junction proteins. Glyphosate herbicide, gluten, chronic infections and stress have all been shown to loosen tight junction proteins. When this happens, cells are no longer held tightly together. This disrupts cell to cell communication and causes gaps in the membrane. Those gaps make it impossible for the gut membrane to be a consistent barrier of protection against damaging intruders.
When the barrier is damaged, foreign particles or pathogens enter the bloodstream and the immune system response begins. The intruding offender is recognized by the immune system and the acute inflammatory response begins. This is a normal protective reaction to rid the body of something potentially harmful. If the membrane remains compromised, the inflammatory response becomes chronic and causes stress on the immune system.
Promising new studies have shown Humic acid acts on those tight junction proteins and helps to restore the integrity of the gut membrane.*
This potential benefit, along with its proven support of the immune system and gut microbiome, make humic acid a perfect choice for improving your gut health!