Detoxification Ability of Humic Acid

Those of us who were around during the 1970's remember the removal of lead from our gasoline and paint when it was found that this heavy metal could  accumulate in the body and cause brain damage.  Exposure to at least some toxic heavy metals is nearly unavoidable in our modern world.  We ingest or inhale various metals from air pollution, cigarette smoke, household cleaning products, medications and even our food and water supply.

Humic Acid has long been known as a powerful chelator of toxic heavy metals. Because it is a very large molecule containing many, many charged particles, it acts like a magnet for heavy metals.  In fact, it has actually been used in environmental cleanup because it binds or “ties up” heavy metals.

The same thing can happen when taken as a supplement. Heavy metals that are harmful to the body can bind with the humic acid so that they are in a form that can easily be eliminated--natures natural detoxifier!